Join Us on the Journey

The path Jesus has set for us was never meant to be solitary. Through Christian fellowship, we give each other strength and encouragement along the way. We are glad you are interested in visiting New Town Baptist Church, where we learn, grow, and serve Jesus together.

Since 1878, New Town has proclaimed the Gospel of Jesus Christ in northwest Georgia. We believe that discipleship can transform our community and beyond. We believe people come to know Jesus through the preaching of the Gospel. We grow in Jesus through Bible study, prayer and reflection. We go for Jesus by spreading the Gospel and serving others.

When are worship services?


9:15 am

Hot breakfast served

10:00 am

Sunday School (all ages)

11:00 am

Morning Worship*

6:00 pm

Evening Worship (building A)

Superbook Academy (grades K-5)-meal served for kids at 5:45


6:00 pm- a meal is provided

6:30 pm- Kingdom Kids-ages Nursery to 5th grade in Education Building

6:30 pm- Youth- grades 6-12th meet in building B-old sanctuary building

6:30 pm- Adult Bible Study offered in Sanctuary

*Nursery available for newborns through age 2, Children’s Church available during Morning Worship from ages 3 to 5th grade. 3-5 year olds stay in children’s church throughout the morning worship, 1st thru 5th grade dismiss after song service to Children’s Church.

Where is the church?

New Town Baptist Church is located at 897 Newtown Church Rd. NE in Calhoun, Ga. When you arrive, please follow the campus signs for directions to the sanctuary or fellowship hall.

Connect with us on

Morning and evening services are streamed live on Facebook and are uploaded to YouTube within 24 hours of the services.

Are there programs available for children and youth?

New Town Baptist Church, has plenty of activities for the younger generation. During Sunday morning worship at 11:00 am, nursery services are available for infants to 2 years old and “Children’s Church” is available for children ages 3 years old to 5th grades.

New Town Kids

In New Town Kids (Pre-K – 5th grade), children learn Biblical truths through fun, activity-based lessons. These include Bible studies, crafts, music, recreation, and age-appropriate service projects.

New Town Youth

In New Town Youth (Grades 6-12), older children and youth experience fun and fellowship through bible studies, music, games, mission trips, service projects, and camp.

What programs are available for adults?

JOY Group

For senior adults, our JOY Group (Jesus’ Older Youth) fellowship together with a covered dish supper on the second Saturday of each month at 5:00 pm. They also stay active with shopping trips, festivals, trips to the mountains, and more. This is open to ALL ages. We love all our brothers and sisters in Christ.

CARE (Christians Actively Reaching Everyone)

The CARE ministry mails letters and cards to people who are ill or shut-in, as well as new members and new residents to the community. CARE involves all ages, from children to adults. Meetings are generally held on the third Monday of the month at 6:00 pm.

Discipleship Groups

Throughout the year we offer various small group book studies and discipleship programs to equip and empower believers to grow as followers of Jesus.


Women on missions meet monthly with a focus on missions within our community and around the world. We meet monthly, usually on the 2nd Wednesday of the month.


Brotherhood meets monthly or as announced. There is a time of fellowship and a message of encouragement and learning.

Van Ministry

New Town seeks to remove barriers that may prevent the people of our community from attending church. Our Van Ministry provides free transportation for anyone within a reasonable distance of the church. Van Service is available for all services. Each driver is screened for a clean background and driving record. Contact the church office if you need transportation.