Prayer List
Below is list of prayer requests for New Town Baptist Church. Please check back often to view new prayer requests and continue to pray fervently for all of our church’s needs. If you wish to submit a prayer request to the church, please fill out our Prayer Request form.
James Adams
Debbie Allen
Sandra Barrera
Charles Bedford
Tyron Blackstock
Jerry Boggs
Brenda Boswell
Pat Bradford
Judy Cole
LeeAnn Culpepper
Adam Duvall
Paul Freeman
Walter Hare
Terrell Harris
Katrina Holland
Landon Hoyle
Paula Hufstetler
Jerry Hurley
Derek & Michelle Jenkins
Gene Jenkins
Phyllis Jenkins
Barbara Lewis
Jack Lewis
Joy McCain
Shani McKoon
Tony McBrayer
Edward McNamara
Lynn Morgan
Wade Newberry
Ashley Parker
Melinda Parker
Shelby Pulliam
Pam Pulliam
Danny Perry
Brandon Parris
Kelly Roach
Lanney & Cheryl Robison
Wendell & Linda Ray
Ricarda Beatriz Ramirez
Jerry Satterfield
Lynn Stanley
Harry Swims
Kenneth Talley
Jennifer Thomason
Randy Tucker
Melinda Walls
Brenda Watkins
Elsie Williams
Mary Ann Walker
Jessica Wilson
Phyllis Wilson
Robin Wilson
Jeff Watson
Faye Worley
Delores Young
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.